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    895 kr 1 800 kr
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    Betal senere med Klarna

    14 dager garanti for retur

    Gratis frakt i Norge

    Indulge your senses with our Vanilla Trio, a set of scents that evoke memories of your last vacation. With notes of citrus, sea salt, and exotic fruits, each spray transports you to a different destination. Perfect for those who love to travel and want to bring a piece of their adventure home. The Vanilla Trio is a must-have for anyone looking to elevate their home fragrance game. With its unique blend of aromas, it's sure to be a conversation starter. Whether you're looking to relax or energize, this set has something for everyone.

    Size 3x 50ml or 3x 100ml
    Material Glass
    Fragrance Type Vanilla
    Color Clear
    Weight Approx. 10.6 oz
    Dimensions Approx. 2.4 x 2.4 x 6.7 in or 2.4 x 2.4 x 10.2 in
    Country of Origin Sweden
    Packaging Gift Box



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